

  • Wasla is working on creating opportunities for artists, and including them in a vast network of performing arts parties.
  • We initiate a variety of projects such as Thoulathy Funded by EU, (co-funded by All Around Culture and La Rue). The project offers residencies for three artists from Bulgaria, Egypt, Jordan. It includes collaboration with two organizations: Brain Store from Bulgaria and Al Balad theater from Jordan.


Wasla is trying to enlarge its international collaborations with performing arts organizations :


Performing art center in Bahrain, working together on distribution for performances to the Annual  festival held by Enki In Jan.

Contemporary dance night

This year EECDS is Collaborating with “Wasla” to bring Forward a new Edition of CDN, focusing on an innovative approach to promote Egyptian dance artists and their work, giving them a chance to have more exposure and financial , support, the event will be held on December 2023

Events Management

Depending on our team experience in performing Arts, Wasla carry the administration mission for performing arts events, this year we have this collaboration with Studio Ezzat, for contemporary dance night in its 7th edition which will be in Dec 2023, Wasla worked together with studio Ezzet on fundraising and administration.